DIY Print at home

Oracal Oracal Orajet 1917 Inkjet Printable Adhesive Vinyl (Sticker)
Oracal Orajet 1917 Inkjet Printable Adhesive Vinyl (Sticker) --> Now available in two sizes 8.5" x 11" Sheet x 1 (Letter or Legal 8.5" x 14") Oracal Orajet 1917 Inkjet Printable Adhesive Vinyl (sticker) is a digital media that is designed to be printed with water-based inks. Inkjet printable vinyl is compatible with dye, oil-based, mild solvent, and pigmented inks. Orajets matte finish and micro-porous, waterproof inkjet coating helps produce brilliant prints, on a side note laminating this printable vinyl aka film drastically increases durability. Lamination is required with the use of dye inks. For applications with direct water contact, edge sealing is recommended. Orajet® 1917 is ideal for displays, exhibits, and general flat signage. Outdoor Durability 1 year Thickness 5.5 mil Colour White Finish Matte Adhesive Details Solvent polyacrylate Adhesive Removability Permanent Adhesive Colour Clear Release Liner 83# PE-coated silicone paper Recom. Applications Short-term outdoor and long-term indoor signs and graphics Print Compatibility Water-based (desktop) inkjet, dye, oil-based, mild-solvent, and pigmented inks Conformability Flat surfaces Recommended Laminate Oraguard® 200 Where can I use Orajet 1917? For use in brilliant and colourful displays. The film has long-term protection against UV-rays and mechanical stress when combined with ORAGUARD® laminating films. For indoor applications, when using dye-inks, lamination is required. For outdoor applications with direct contact to water, sealing of the edges is recommended. Note: check UV outdoor rating for the ink being used. Long term use in direct sunlight may not be recommended. Oracal recommends spreading out to dry for 72 hours before (can be done laying or hanging). For storage and processing, they should be kept in a cool, dry place protected from sunlight. Relative air humidity between 40% and 50% and temperature between +I8° C and +22° C should be ensured. Direct sunlight, storage beside radiators etc. should by all means be avoided. PLEASE READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION BEFORE PURCHASE OR USE. Product will be shipped loosely rolled, it comes to us on a roll as well. If you have trouble with the curl, try flattening the sheets with a few books prior to printing. Make sure you let your printer know it is a thicker piece of material to avoid jams. OraJet 1917 has a matte smearproof inkjet printable coating, allowing you to print at home with an inkjet printer. Oragard is the recommended laminate for this product by Oracal, but other crafters have used clear 651 as well.
$3.75 - $5.25
RQCSupply Waterslide Clear Paper (For Hard Surfaces)
Waterslide Clear Paper (For Hard Surfaces) Waterslide is perfect for applying decoration to hard surfaces on items that cannot be heat pressed. For example candles, soap, glass ceramic, metal, wood plastic and other hard surfaces. This paper produces a decal that can be applied using water. The waterslide works to apply decoration by submerging the design in water. Each sheet measures 8.3" x 11.7", available by the single sheet or bundles of 5, or a bundle of 10. What type of printer do i need for waterslide? Waterslide is compatible with most colour laser copiers and laser printers with or without fusion oil. What is Waterslide used for? The intended application of waterslide is items that cannot be heat pressed Glass Metal Ceramic Wood Plastic Other hard surfaces Paropy CL Water Slide will allow image transfer to objects that cannot be heated with a heat press. This paper will work in most Oil and Non-Oil Laser Copiers and Printers. It is recommended that you do a test before commercial application. Feed transfer paper into laser printer so that the printer is printing on the printable side (white glossy coated side). It is recommended to use the bypass tray when printing. Design your image and and resize if necessary. Do not mirror image the design Trim the imaged Water Slide paper as close as possible without cutting into image using scissors/exacto knife. Fill suitable sized bowl with water and add about 5-10% liquid dish soap. Wet the plastic bag/wrap and set to one side. Then place the imaged paper in bowl for 5-10 seconds. Put wet WT paper on plastic bag/wrap face down. Absorb access water with a plain piece of paper. Gently remove paper backing from plastic bag/wrap. Place the imaged plastic bag/wrap on top of material to be printed. With sponge and finger, gently correct position of image and iron out air bubbles. Let the transfer and material dry for at least 1 hour before handling. Accessories Required Computer, Color Laser Printer, Large Water bowl, Dish Soap, Plain Paper, Plastic bag or plastic wrap. Printable Side The printable side is the white glossy coated side. Storage Paropy CL Water Slide has an indefinite shelf life when stored at room temperature. Keep away from direct heat, sunlight, and humidity. Tips For extra durability on candles, we suggest using a glue stick to help adhere the WT transfer paper. The candle can also be heated with a blow dryer to soften the wax before applying the transfer Keep an eye on RQC Supply's (Ribbon Queen Canada) What's New section, we are always adding new items.
$2.00 - $18.75